Friday, May 03, 2024

Little Bateese

I lost my beloved dad six and a half years ago. I miss him every single day, and I know that my entire
family still feels the loss of him being here. But every once in a while, something special happens that reminds me that we are still connected. Today was one of those days that poked my heart.

In searching through my vast compilation of work emails (seems I never DELETE anything, only archive) my search keywords for some reason brought up an email from my father from three years before his death. I love it when this happens, and make it a practice to always open them up, it is like conversing with Dad again! 

This one really struck a chord with me, as we have our first grandson (Dad's first great-grandson after two great-granddaughters) and the family has been talking about how much Dad would have loved the new little guy. Dad was a sentimental man, a rare fellow who did not hide his feelings. He would tell us on a regular basis that he loved us, and that he was proud of us. And those words have stayed, even though he has gone. 

I hope you enjoy Dad's favourite poem, "Little Bateese" by William Henry Drummond. 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Barb & Ernie's

Barb & Ernie's Old Country Inn Restaurant is an Edmonton landmark. First opening in 1975, this local treasure continues to be the go-to place for a delicious hearty breakfast. The menu features their famous eggs benedict and wonderful German fare, in addition to traditional homestyle breakfasts. 

I met Char and Thomas Feuchter when we became neighbours in the early 2000's. They took over the restaurant from Thomas's parents in 2009, and as time went by, both of our families moved to different neighbourhoods, but we kept in touch.   

I am constantly amazed at how hard working the Feuchters are. To run a restaurant is by no means an easy task, but in addition, Char and Thomas have generosity that has no limit. 

For example, when my husband was in recovery from having the second of his leg amputations, Char delivered a box to our home filled with enough frozen meals to fill our freezer. At a time that we were feeling very overwhelmed, this kindness from a friend moved me to tears. In a time when the world was dealing with a pandemic, and restaurant owners were trying to keep their businesses alive, Char was thinking about us and giving us support. How special is that?

About two years ago, I was invited to come to Barb & Ernie's with my handmade cards and gift items. To be honest, I was quite nervous, as although I have done many craft sales over the years, they were almost always at large venues with other vendors. What would this be like? I was taking over valuable table space, and would the restaurant patrons enjoy my presence, or would they be annoyed by it? Of course, I was assured by my friend Char that she loved my work, and that it would be something special for her customers. So with that positive reinforcement, I came and set up my table. 

Well, to say it was wonderful was an understatement! After years of doing large sale venues, the intimate setting of the restaurant was a fresh take on what I was doing. I got wonderful feedback from customers about my artwork, and had conversations with people young and old about what I do. I got inspiration for what to create in the future, and also got to enjoy the best breakfast while I was there!

Barb & Ernie's now gives me the opportunity to visit with Nicolette's Heartfelt Creations almost every month. (They leave it up to me - no pressure) and it has become one of the favourite things I add to my calendar. It is a genuine feel-good exercise for me, a great contribution to my self-care for well being. Knowing that I have a table to fill is great motivation for me to continue creating my arts and crafts, and doing my art is a very large part of what I do for my mental health. Plus getting to interact with the public and have them say positive things about my art is always an ego booster! 

From my prime seating at my table in the restaurant, I get to see the reason that Barb & Ernie's has managed to stay in business all these years, including during a world pandemic.

Chris Morris, who has worked at Barb & Ernie's for 43 years greets everyone at the door. So many of the people coming in are regulars, and they are greeted with the warmth of dear friends. People have told me that they have been coming to the restaurant for their entire lives, the restaurant will be celebrating its 50th anniversary next year. Some customers (including international friends of mine personally) have told me that a visit to our humble town is not complete without a visit for breakfast at the restaurant. When Char is not working in the kitchen with Thomas, she will be out in the dining room, greeting customers with many smiles and hugs shared between them. The restaurant is such a happy place

Barb & Ernie's Restaurant is a big supporter of local artists and small businesses. Whether it is having a local author of a children's book do a book signing in the restaurant on a Saturday morning, or having the gourmet chocolates of a local chocolatier available for purchase at the front counter, Barb & Ernie's does a wonderful job of being connected to their community. 

Char and I bonded quickly years ago over our dogs. Char and Thomas' love of animals is evident even in their family business. In addition to their dog friendly patio, you can purchase homemade dog cookies in the restaurant. But perhaps the most touching to my heart is the partnership that the restaurant has with ZOE's Animal Rescue Society. Weekend Specials donate proceeds to the rescue society, and high-light a featured dog in need of a home. Meet and greets happen with ZOE's adoptable dogs in the Barb & Ernie's parking lot regularly. ZOE's participates in the Block Party that Barb & Ernie's hosts each summer. 

Thanks to Char and Thomas's support, I have had the chance to be challenged creatively with some projects that I would not have had the chance to do otherwise. I have created signs for their door, and for their patio. Trying new projects can be quite intimidating, but with Char and Thomas's encouragement, I have been able to stretch my creative muscles, and have been proud of what I have been able to create for them.

Another feel-good moment for me was getting the opportunity to create a colouring sheet of my own design for kids to work on while they visit the restaurant. I can't tell you the thrill I felt seeing kids in the restaurant colouring my picture, my work! It may sound silly, but it truly made me feel like a TRUE ARTIST! 

Char took it one step further when I discovered that she had t-shirts made with the same design on them. In both child and adult sizes, these shirts are sold in the restaurant along with fabric markers, so that you can colour your own t-shirt. How fun is that? Apparently, a group of fireman came in recently and bought a whole bunch, to take back to the firehouse. Oh, I hope to see a photo one day - just the thought of it makes me smile! 

Restaurant Staff in their T-Shirts

I took a course recently through Skillshare, on urban sketching - drawing buildings and landscapes. I decided to do a watercolour piece for Char and Thomas, as a thank you for all the wonderful support that they have given me. Barb & Ernie's is such a distinct building, that looks like it has been lifted from a village in Germany. It was so fun to transfer to paper, and it now hangs in a place of honour in one of my favourite restaurants. It delights me every time I see it. 

Community is so important, having connection can heal many things in our wounded world. Char and Thomas and the way that they keep Barb & Ernie's going is a great example of that. You can see it in the faces of the families and the friends that come to share a meal and enjoy one another's company. You can see it in the way that the staff treats the customers, and one another. You can see it in how they have loved an supported me in my art. I hope that you someday have the chance to experience their little restaurant, and experience the magic of that place yourself. I am sure that you will love it the way that I do. 

Saturday, March 09, 2024

For the Love of Beagles

I have always been a dog person. I grew up in a house with family dogs, and as soon as I got married and left home, that did not change. My husband Todd and I have always had a dog, sometimes two or three at a time.

We have had big dogs, little dogs, purebreds and mixed mutts. We have had lab mixes and shepherd mixes, golden retrievers and now have a great pyrenees cross. But my love affair with four-legged furry companions started with a beagle. 

Honey and I (I'm the one in the polka dots)

My first furry love was Honey, my mom and dad’s beagle. Their first baby, she was very patient with me when I came on the scene. Beagles are known for being very good with children, wonderful family dogs. I can vouch for that, and from what my mother has told me, Honey was no exception to that rule. I think that this is where my love affair with beagles began, with this tri-colour cutie. 

Beagles are affectionate, active and playful dogs. They love being part of the family, and love to cuddle. If you take out the “active” part, this actually describes me pretty well. Maybe that is why I love them so much! 

Lucy at Christmas

My second beagle came into my life when I was dating Todd, who is now my husband of almost 38 years. Lucy was a rescue, who we discovered at our local Humane Society shelter. She was already six months old when we found her, and it was instant love for us. She was the first of our dogs, and was loved as fiercely by our extended family as she was by Todd and I. When we got married, Todd left home a month early and he and Lucy were exclusive roommates until our wedding. 

The original couple, Todd and Lucy 1986

When I moved in, although she was mine as well, we had not lived in the same house until this point. So when she chewed the heels off of every pair of 80’s pumps that I had, I kind of understood the motivation. She was just laying down some ground rules!

Lucy really became MY girl when I had our first child, Duncan. I was now at home during the day with the new baby, and she was my helper, the official baby watcher. Not only did she watch him carefully, she kept a really close eye on any visitors we had to the home. Even though many people had commented on how the dog was going to be a problem when we brought a child into the mix, that was never the case. Our seven year old dog adapted very well to the baby, and the other baby that followed. She moved from sleeping in our room, to sleeping in her bed in the corner of Duncan’s room, ever the faithful nanny. 

Duncan and Lucy

We lost our Lucy when she was 13 years old, and the day that she left us, our hearts were broken. How would our family manage without her? The house was so quiet, and it just did not seem right. 

We went on to have many other dogs in our family, first Ben, then Toby, who was joined by Tucker, then Tanner and finally Noah. With the exception of little Toby (who was in a category all his own),all were big dogs, the last three majestic golden retrievers straight from the front of a hallmark card. 

But then one day, my husband came home from his new job on site at a Botanical Garden. He and the caretaker of the property had been chatting about their families, and their pets. He had mentioned our dogs, and our love of our first puppy, a beagle. Well, it just so happened that this lady had a beagle as well. Her beagle was at her house (on the property) that was due to have puppies in about a week! 

Miss Molly in her red ribbon

It did not take us very long to decide what we were going to do. And when those puppies were born, Todd went and chose sweet Molly, the little girl with the red ribbon around her neck. 

Molly came home to a busy house, a house that already had a big dog (Noah), and a little dog (Toby). Both were getting on in years, and our little Molly became the little lady of the pack.

Molly and George

Over the years, she continued to wear a red collar and captured the hearts of one and all. She was
with us as our kids grew up and left home, and as our kids came back home. She was with us through house moves, and as we said goodbye to Noah, and to Toby. And when George came onto the scene, she showed him the ropes. At first he was tiny compared to her, although he quickly grew to be over a hundred pounds! Molly was there when my first two grandchildren were born. And like my other beagle, she was just as gentle and motherly. It was so magical to see her with these little ones, the same way that Lucy had been with their parents. 

Miss Molly Moments

In December of 2020, during Covid Lockdown, we said goodbye to Sweet Molly Beagle. After thirteen years, it was hard to not have her beside me. She was sweetness until the very last moment. I grieved, and I grieved hard. I said to my family, no more dogs for a while! Life was very difficult and challenging at that time. I didn’t want any more complications. But every time I would go for a walk, I would see people walking their dogs, and I would come home and cry. And after about six weeks (how it took that long, I still don’t know) we came home with our lab/great pyrenees, Scout.

All about Scout

Scout is a joy, and truly a magical dog. She was dog NUMBER 9 for us, and I can honestly say that she is absolutely different from any other dog we have ever had. I actually consulted a friend in the veterinary field once because I was worried about her, because she is so different the others. But my friend reassured me that Scout is just weird. Absolutely amazing, but weird. 

Scout LOVES other dogs. She loves when other dogs come to the house to visit. And so I have always wanted to find her a buddy. In my experience, dogs do better when there is more than one in the house.  They are never lonely!  And for Scout, she just wants someone to run around and play with.

Well, we left it up to the universe. But of course, whenever I would see someone walking a beagle in the neighborhood, my heart would ache. I just love them so much! I put the word out to everyone that if they ever heard of someone needing to rehome their beagle, to let me know. But I really did not think it would realistically ever happen. 

At the end of last November, a friend sent me a notice for an 8 month old beagle in search of a new home. “In case you know anyone looking to adopt-” my friend’s message said.   And within a couple hours, we had our 10th dog, and our third beagle, our Wilbur.


Wilbur has been a gift, more than we ever thought we needed in our household. He and Scout play all day long, and his adventurous (and somewhat mischievous) puppy spirit makes us laugh every day. In the few short months that we have had him, we have loved watching him live his best puppyhood, and he has become best friends with my grandchildren. My youngest granddaughter calls him “Wilbert”. I love that!

Helping with laundry

I even participated in doggy obedience training with him, six Saturday afternoons at our local humane society. So fun to see a hound who sees the world through his nose in a room full of other breeds, some who I must say, follow directions a little differently than beagles do! 

The proud graduate

Beagles can be a challenge, that is for certain. But their spirit, and their contribution to the family are worth any chewed carpets or dog hair on my winter coat. I look forward to watching Wilbur grow to his full beagle potential, as part of our family. My beagle-loving heart is full! 


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Nickie Things

I am one of the many who lives with General Anxiety Disorder, and Depression. Thanks to the nature of my brain, my challenge has always been to find the positive in things, as I can be the one that sees the glass half empty, or even more accurately, sees the glass falling off the table and smashing into a million tiny pieces!

It seems that these days we are ALL inundated with negativity. Between the world news, social media, or even conversations at the grocery store, these are definitely challenging times. 

Of course, like everyone else, my life has its share of ups and downs. Along with the highs (and there have been lots of those), we have had some lows. We have had our share of losses of friends and family members. Our family has dealt with some pretty serious health challenges .There is never a dull moment at my house, I always say! 

To keep myself mentally healthy, I have to do what I call "the work". This is what I call, the "Nickie Things". These are the things that re-charge my batteries. The things that fill my soul. The time I spend with pens, paints, crochet hooks, and knitting needles. The time spent hugging my grandbabies, or spending time with my friends that support me. The time I spend with my dogs. The time I spend writing the stories of my heart. 

When I stop doing "Nickie Things", it is a pretty strong indication that I am heading towards trouble.

Without doing the work, my brain can start to lie to me. The imagination that is my gift as a creative, is my curse that can turn on me in an instant. I start worrying about everything, envisioning the worst case scenarios. Catastrophizing becomes my jam. It is not good.

Which brings me to this blog, dear reader. I want to try to promote positivity as much as I can. I would like to hi-light the joy in simple things. I want to show how one can connect with one's self, and connect with others through creativity, and with community. I want to share the "Nickie Things" that keep me in the light.  I want to help you, dear reader to see the magic and the blessings in every day life. I know that I am not alone in having these challenges, and maybe what I share, may spark something in you, like it does me. 

Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Bunnies and More Bunnies!

 Spring has finally arrived here in my corner of the world, and Easter is only a few short days away. A very welcome time of year, as the winters here in Alberta are often very cold, and very long. But without those long winters, you would not see the joy that the arrival Spring seems to bestow on my part of the world.  Everyone seems to have a little more bounce in their step (which my also be in part to the fact that they are no longer wearing heavy snowboots), as they walk their dogs, and get out in the fresh air. Garden centres and home improvements stores seem to bustling with people that are planning projects for the warmer weather and the sunshine to come.

Me? I am in full BUNNY mode. I been enjoying the jackrabbits that visit our front lawn under our Faerie tree, and noting that their fur is starting to be more brown than white - a welcome sign! And, every year at this time, I pull out my yarn, and with a slight bunny-like twitch of my nose, I get started...

Nothing says Spring like knitting and crocheting bunnies! Making bunnies is one of my own spring traditions. And there are so many wonderful designs out there, I thought that I would share some with you.

This is one of the first bunnies that I made, one of Spin A Yarn Crochet's wonderful free patterns, called the Ragdoll Bunny. I added a "L" to her dress for my granddaughter...Miss "L" loves when I add a monogram to her toys!  These Ragdoll patterns are very easy to follow, and they make a wonderfully cuddy toy. I have made several of these bunnies - they make the perfect baby gift as well! Very cute, with a homespun feel. (Just as an aside, I am really glad I cut my hair....yeesh!)

Last year, I made this little knitted bunny, using a pattern I found on Ravelry. (If you haven't joined Ravelry yet, and you are a knitter or a crocheter, you definitely need to check it out!) Be warned, once you go down the Ravelry rabbit-hole (I told you it was all about bunnies) you may never come out!  This pattern is called Dutch Rabbits by Rache Borello Carroll. 

I made this one for my eldest granddaughter a few years ago. This one is the Baby Bunny from Claire Garland, also know as Dot Pebbles. Claire has so many beautiful rabbit patterns, and her designs are like no others. I will admit that this one was challenging, but it was a fun challenge, and I am still really proud of it! I must also mention that when I had a question about the pattern, Claire responded to me personally with help. I was so impressed...

As for this year, I admit things have gotten a little out of control.

These little bunny cups will be filled with treats on Easter morning. You can find a similar pattern here, at Repeat Crafter Me's blog.

I also made this cute little Baba Bunny. Isn't she cute? 

I made several of these Chubby Bunnies from A Menagerie of Stitches. They are fast, and easy, and so, so, squishy! These were a big hit at my craft sale last weekend. I kind of wish I had kept at least one for myself, but I guess I could always make some more...

I worked this little love up in an afternoon, from a free pattern from One Dog Woof. I made mine itty bitty, but as you will see on her blog, you can get a very different look with textured yarn. 

And last but not least, my personal favourite for this year, is a pattern I found on another fantastic blog, All ABout Ami. It is actually a pattern for the Chinese New Year Rabbit. The more I worked on it, the cuter it became. I think my granddaughter will love it. I can't wait to see her face when I give it to her! 

Which bunny pattern is your favourite? I would love to hear if you have created any bunnies yourself, do you have any favourite patterns?  Please share in the comments below...and feel free to friend me (sapphire252) on Ravelry!  

Friday, March 31, 2023

I have always loved making cards. As soon as I could fold a piece of paper in half, I started making cards for everyone that I knew! A card is a lovely, inexpensive way to make someone feel special. And giving cards to friends and family may be something of a lost art, in the world of texts and email, but that just makes giving and receiving a paper card even more wonderful. Now, I sell my handmade cards in a few local markets, and at a local restaurant every couple of months. 

I love to collect vintage images, and use them on my cards. I also like to use old photographs. I have made custom cards with photographs of the recipient, a personal touch for a special occasion. Here a card with one of my favourite photos of my Grandma Dubitz, with two of her younger brothers:

I like to use found items on my cards as much as possible. I love to go to garage sales and find little bits and bobs to put on my cards. I am lucky enough to have friends and family that collect things for me to add to my work...broken jewelery, bits of lace, buttons! 

A friend of mine makes wonderful jewelery using the inner works of watches...but she does not use the she gives them to me! You would be surprised what you can find if you talk to other crafters and artists.

I take lace, and with a few stitches, it turns into a one-of-a kind embellishment. There are some great videos online that show how to make great flowers and other embellishments. Search "lace flowers" or "shabby chic flowers" on youtube, and you will find a treasure trove of ideas and tutorials. Below you can see an example of how a simple piece of lace can add so much to a card:

I like to crochet medallions and add them to the cards. Embroidery floss gives you the ability to match colours perfectly.

Time in my art room is good therapy for me. It is the best for my mental health in general.  As someone who lives with anxiety and depression, self-care is priority for me, and time in my art room is truly the best self care there is. When I work on my cards, I think about the colours, the images, how all the tiny elements come together to make something beautiful.  My mind focuses on the art, and the monkey chatter that usually happens in my brain quiets. When I work on my pieces, and that creative flow starts to happen, the dark wolf quiets and any negative energy I may have just melts away.

I do not mass produce my cards, I look at each card as an individual piece of art, from start to finish. Although I may use an image multiple times, because of the found items that I am using, the cards are truly one-of-a-kind. It may take me a little longer, but it is truly the process that I enjoy most, and I think that it shows in the finished work. When someone receives one of my cards, they truly receive a gift from the heart. Not just from the giver, but from my artist heart as well.

my set up at Barb & Ernie's
This weekend, I will be spending April 1st at a local restaurant, Barb & Ernie's Old Country Inn. Barb & Ernie's is owned an operated by some friends of mine named Char and Thomas Feuchter. Char and Thomas generously allow me to set up a table in the restaurant and show my art to their patrons on regular basis. It is such a positive experience for me, getting to meet new people, and to show off my art.  

Not to mention the feedback! More often than not, I will have a young person stop at my table, often a budding artist themselves, and we will have a great talk about how you can still make pretty things even when you are an adult! Plus it is common knowledge that Barb & Ernie's has some of the best breakfast in town, so it is a win-win for me!  
I have a profile on Facebook, called Nicolette Anderson's Handmade Greeting Cards, where I post my cards, and advertise my sales. When I look at it, I am shocked at how many cards I have created, even in the last few years. Making art may take hours, but it is time well spent. It does my heart, and my head, good. And I hope that some of that good magic stays with the cards after they leave me. 

I think that I will always make my cards. If I didn't sell them, I would just have a room full of them. They make me happy. I hope that they make all of you happy, too! 

Sunday, March 05, 2023

For the Love of Barbie

When I was a little girl, I loved my Barbie Dolls - I would play with them for hours and hours.

My dolls had a case full of clothes, which included outfits that had been knit and crocheted by my Grandma Vincent, and also clothes that had been sewn by my mother. Those were always my favourites, the clothes that were made especially for me.  

One Christmas, I received the most amazing present - a collection of wooden Barbie furniture. I was so excited! My best friend and I would alternate between her house and mine - taking over the basement rumpus rooms for days on end as we created our Barbie houses across the floors. 

My tiny german dollies

I had a few miniature german dolls that I have now discovered were Ari miniature dolls from  Germany - they promptly became my Barbie's babies.  For me, my Barbie play was about creating a home, and a family - which was what I dreamed of for myself one day.

When I grew up, my Barbies and the collection of furniture, was lovingly packed up and put away. I kept all of it, and when I left home and started my own family, it came with me, always having a home in one storage space after another.

When my daughter Amanda came along, I was delighted to discover that I had a little girl who loved Barbie like I did! And out came my box of Barbie treasures. 

I have to admit, I was hesitant at first to hand over my treasures...what if they broke? What if they were ruined? But then I realized that dolls are meant to be played with, not boxed up collecting dust. So my dolls became Amanda's dolls. How happy those Barbies must have been, to come out of their dark storage box after so many years, and be back in the hands of a lovely little girl!  The Barbie collection grew, with the addition of Amanda's new generation dolls from Christmases and birthdays.

My little girl in the nineties

Well, time has passed, and my little girl grew up. The Barbie collection was once again boxed up and placed on my shelf. 

Amanda blessed us with our first granddaughter six years ago. And I am lucky enough to have another girl with a love of Barbie in the family! I am getting to play with Barbies again! 

I am also getting to be the "crafty grandma" and getting to fill Mom and Grandma's shoes, by creating Barbie clothes for my granddaughter. Not a sewer by any means (my sewing machine is strictly used for sewing paper these days), I am sticking to primarily crochet for my contributions. 

A couch I made

I have combed the internet for crochet patterns, and have found some amazing sources. However, with different yarns in my stash, and different hook sizes, I have found that I can only use these patterns as a "frame of reference" so that my biggest successes have been with my own "designs". I keep my Barbie model close at hand and try the garments on her as I go.  Keeping in mind that dressing Barbie in her clothes can be a challenge for younger ones, I am conscious of making the clothes easy to pull on and off, and that they have loose sleeves (if any) and sturdy, easy to use fasteners. 

Some of my creations

Most are quick projects, and I get a great sense of accomplishment, and a feeling of mastery each time I complete another addition to Barbie's wardrobe. It answers to the little girl in me, and I get to make one of my favourite people in the world happy as well!

P.S. I have made another attempt at furniture, thanks to this post on youtube: 

It was fun, and I hope to make more, so stay tuned!

If you create anything for Barbie, please share in the comments below...let's inspire eachother!

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