Friday, May 03, 2024

Little Bateese

I lost my beloved dad six and a half years ago. I miss him every single day, and I know that my entire
family still feels the loss of him being here. But every once in a while, something special happens that reminds me that we are still connected. Today was one of those days that poked my heart.

In searching through my vast compilation of work emails (seems I never DELETE anything, only archive) my search keywords for some reason brought up an email from my father from three years before his death. I love it when this happens, and make it a practice to always open them up, it is like conversing with Dad again! 

This one really struck a chord with me, as we have our first grandson (Dad's first great-grandson after two great-granddaughters) and the family has been talking about how much Dad would have loved the new little guy. Dad was a sentimental man, a rare fellow who did not hide his feelings. He would tell us on a regular basis that he loved us, and that he was proud of us. And those words have stayed, even though he has gone. 

I hope you enjoy Dad's favourite poem, "Little Bateese" by William Henry Drummond. 

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