Monday, January 20, 2025

Slices of Joy

Instead of new years resolutions, which have never been a good thing for me, I always choose a word of intention for the year. 

I knew what direction I wanted to go. I knew what idea I wanted to cultivate this year, but I wasn't sure what the specific word was going to be. 

And then, in the way that these things often happen, this wonderful piece by feminist writer @leilamadeline___ crossed my social media path. 

This little post really resonated with me! I do not think that I am alone in the feeling that life's challenges and the worries about the state of our world often overshadow happiness in my life. I would like 2025 to be a year where I notice all the good things about life! I want to be open to see more of the magic that this world has to offer.

Chade-Meng Tan, in his book Joy on Demand, talks about Slices of Joy. Slices of joy are those little every day things that we tend to move through without much thought. That first sip of hot coffee in the morning. The scent of a favourite candle. The softness of your dogs ear when you pet her. How you feel when your friend gives you a hug. Chade-Meng says that the more that you notice these small moments of joy, the more you will experience joy in your life. You teach your brain to notice it. In 2025 I want to recognize more slices of joy every day.

these are some of my slices of joy!

So my word for 2025 is...

So my hope for 2025 is to notice more and more of the simple little things that give me joy, and I would like share them with you. I would also LOVE to hear about some of your slices of joy, so please share in the comments below. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
