Monday, January 27, 2025

Tiny Things

As a little girl, I was always enchanted by tiny things.

My friend Sindy and I loved visiting the drugstore to pick up miniature sample sizes of shampoos and lotions. We’d take them home, excitedly admire the tiny bottles, and then stash them in our "collections"—seldom actually using them.

I also loved making accessories and furniture for my Barbie dolls. Some of my first crafts were miniature furnishings and decor for my Barbie houses, and I would spend hours perfecting the details.

One of my favorite childhood book series was The Littles by John Peterson. Similar to Mary Norton’s The BorrowersThe Littles tells the story of a tiny family living in the walls of a regular-sized house. These little characters would repurpose everyday objects like bottle caps, buttons, and spools into tools and furniture for their miniature world. I was fascinated by their creativity and resourcefulness—sometimes I found myself enjoying the inventive ways they used common items even more than their actual adventures.

Over the last few years, I've rediscovered my love for miniatures as a creative hobby. I’ve always admired the talent of those who elevate miniatures into a true art form. Shows like The Great Big Tiny Design Challenge and my personal favorite, CBC’s Best in Miniature, have only fueled this interest further.

I draw, I paint, I make vintage assemblage greeting cards. I knit, I crochet, and I even try to write a little on this blog. I certainly didn’t need another hobby! But the idea of making miniatures myself has always intrigued me.

In 2023, for my birthday in March, my sweet husband bought me a miniature kit—a ROLIFE kit from a local hobby store. It sat on my shelf for months, waiting for me to find the time, and honestly, to build up the courage to try something completely new. Of course, there was always something else to be done, and with grandkids and puppies around, I found plenty of excuses to put the project off.

But after the holiday rush of Christmas, I found myself with some quiet days at home during vacation. I decided it was finally time to dedicate myself to the kit.

To be honest, at first, I saw it more as something to check off my to-do list. After all, I’d had the kit since March, and now it was almost the new year!

I sat down at my dining room table and began working on the kit. I can’t explain how much I loved the process! It was completely different from anything I’d worked on before, and with everything included in the kit, it was a perfect place for a beginner to start. I was fully immersed in the task, and before I knew it, hours had melted away as I assembled tiny cabinets and packages. It was a candy shop, filled with bright colors and whimsy—two things I absolutely love!

The project took me about three days to finish, and I was thrilled with the results! It now has a proud spot on my bookshelf, where I get to enjoy it every day. My first miniature assemblage—what a joy!

Another busy year passed, and I had received another ROLIFE kit from my husband. This time, it was a coffee shop (so perfect for me!). I had set it aside and looked forward to the quiet days after Christmas to work on it. A few glorious days in my art room later, I completed this little gem. It was so much fun, from assembling the flowers in the tiny vase to creating the coffee machine.

As I immersed myself in the assembly of these tiny things, I didn’t think once about the troubles of the outside world. It was the perfect mindful task. And that, my readers, is what a hobby should do!

Like the first kit, putting this one together made me so happy! And when I look at my little coffee shop, its tiny light glowing in the evening on my bookshelf, it fills me with joy all over again. I’m already excited to choose another kit to try, maybe even before next Christmas vacation.

Do you have a hobby that takes you away from your worries? Have you done any miniatures? I would love to hear from you! 

Monday, January 20, 2025

Slices of Joy

Instead of new years resolutions, which have never been a good thing for me, I always choose a word of intention for the year. 

I knew what direction I wanted to go. I knew what idea I wanted to cultivate this year, but I wasn't sure what the specific word was going to be. 

And then, in the way that these things often happen, this wonderful piece by feminist writer @leilamadeline___ crossed my social media path. 

This little post really resonated with me! I do not think that I am alone in the feeling that life's challenges and the worries about the state of our world often overshadow happiness in my life. I would like 2025 to be a year where I notice all the good things about life! I want to be open to see more of the magic that this world has to offer.

Chade-Meng Tan, in his book Joy on Demand, talks about Slices of Joy. Slices of joy are those little every day things that we tend to move through without much thought. That first sip of hot coffee in the morning. The scent of a favourite candle. The softness of your dogs ear when you pet her. How you feel when your friend gives you a hug. Chade-Meng says that the more that you notice these small moments of joy, the more you will experience joy in your life. You teach your brain to notice it. In 2025 I want to recognize more slices of joy every day.

these are some of my slices of joy!

So my word for 2025 is...

So my hope for 2025 is to notice more and more of the simple little things that give me joy, and I would like share them with you. I would also LOVE to hear about some of your slices of joy, so please share in the comments below. 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Breakfast Brew

I have written before about my dear friends Char and Thomas Feuchter, and their wonderful restaurantBarb & Ernie's Old Country Inn . Once a month, Char and Thomas let me come in and set up a table with my arts and crafts, what I call Nicolette's Heartfelt Creations. They give me an opportunity to be out in the public with my cards, my art, and my crocheted treasures. I look forward to it, as the customers at the restaurant always have the nicest things to say - I always feel very inspired to go home and create even more. Plus, I get to have a delicious breakfast! 

I was practicing some urban sketching one day, and I realized that Barb & Ernie's building would be a fantastic subject. So I decided to make a watercolour painting for Char and Thomas as a gift. I was very pleased with how it turned out, and on my next visit to the restaurant, I proudly presented it to my hosts. 

They were very happy with the gift, and to my delight, Char hung it on the wall in the restaurant.  It felt really nice to share my art with my friends. 

2025 Brings the 50th Anniversary of Barb and Ernie's. To celebrate the occasion, Barb and Ernie's has partnered with Leduc Brewing Company to create their own brew, called

Barb & Ernie's 50th Anniversary Festbier Lager

and imagine how excited I was, when I discovered that they wanted to use my modest artwork on the label! 

I painted the picture with no expectation, because it made me happy to do so. But what I got back was beyond anything I could have expected! And when I saw my name on the side of that little beer can, I felt like I could really call myself an artist. 

When you create with joy, it is amazing what blessings can come your way! 

Monday, January 06, 2025

Motivation and Accountability

As a person who lives with general anxiety disorder and depression, I have days when my energy levels and motivation can be low.  Negative thinking can take over, and the feelings of overwhelm can start me on a downwards spiral. I have talked before about how I need to do what I call  "the Nickie things", and get myself moving in the right direction. But depression and anxiety can make it difficult to have the willpower to do things that I enjoy.

When dealing with these types of challenges the best thing you can do is to be kind to yourself. It is helpful to understand the type of person that you are. Through the wisdom that comes with age (and with help from a good therapist) I have realized that I am a classic "people pleaser" - and along with this knowledge comes the realization that the best way for me to meet any goals, or to have any motivation, is to have external accountability. 

I am one of those people that can struggle with prioritizing my own self-care or personal projects, but I find it much easier to meet the expectations of others, whether it's my boss, family members, friends, or colleagues. 

Because I know this about myself, I find that committing to certain things can be very helpful for me! It gives me that gentle push that I need to get started, and to silence the dark wolf in my head.  For example, I do a monthly pop-up sale at a local restaurant, Barb and Ernie's.  I know that I need to have my arts and crafts made for the monthly sale, so I spend time working on projects for my table. I feel so good when I am working on these things! My batteries re-charge, and I feel positive.  Then I go to the restaurant, see the table filled with all my arts and crafts, and I feel great! 

my table at Barb and Ernie's 

If you have a peek on my sidebar, you may see some thumbnails for some challenges that I did years ago.  Looking back at some of those challenges, I remember how fun they were to do! I think that these art challenges are another great way to have some accountability and motivation to be more artful.

Let me know if you use external accountability to help motivate you to reach your goals! I will be posting some of my completed challenges on the blog, so stay tuned! And if you have any challenges that you participate in, I would love to see them.

Now if you will excuse me, I have some art to do! 

Sunday, January 05, 2025


When my granddaughter, Evelyn was a wee one, she created this wonderful drawing. With great pride, she announced it was a portrait of her uncle. She was so pleased with it, she even signed it with her signature, as you can see, an E with scribbles to the left.

Such an amazing piece of art, that has graced our refrigerator for the last few years! It always gets a giggle when we tell anyone who notices it that it is a picture of Malcolm. My daughter says that it needs to be put into a frame, so that it can be preserved and honoured for all time.  

Well, I decided to do one better, and pulled out my plush yarn, and my favourite crochet hook, and I created this gift for Malcolm this Christmas:

I decided to make it like a flat ragdoll toy, which made it very easy to do! Using single crochet and simple increases and decreases, I was able to create the same shape.  I created two of the shape, and then stitched them together like a pillow with the red yarn, to duplicate the colour she had used.  I used a slip stitch for extra impact. 

"It's MEEEEEEE!" was the delighted shriek from my adult son when he unwrapped his present.  I think that it may have been his favourite gift under the tree this year! 

And the original artist? She was quite impressed as well. "Grandma, you made Uncle Mal!" 

And yes, I am going to get a nice frame for the original piece.