About two years ago, I was invited to come to Barb & Ernie's with my handmade cards and gift items. To be honest, I was quite nervous, as although I have done many craft sales over the years, they were almost always at large venues with other vendors. What would this be like? I was taking over valuable table space, and would the restaurant patrons enjoy my presence, or would they be annoyed by it? Of course, I was assured by my friend Char that she loved my work, and that it would be something special for her customers. So with that positive reinforcement, I came and set up my table.
Well, to say it was wonderful was an understatement! After years of doing large sale venues, the intimate setting of the restaurant was a fresh take on what I was doing. I got wonderful feedback from customers about my artwork, and had conversations with people young and old about what I do. I got inspiration for what to create in the future, and also got to enjoy the best breakfast while I was there!Barb & Ernie's now gives me the opportunity to visit with Nicolette's Heartfelt Creations almost every month. (They leave it up to me - no pressure) and it has become one of the favourite things I add to my calendar. It is a genuine feel-good exercise for me, a great contribution to my self-care for well being. Knowing that I have a table to fill is great motivation for me to continue creating my arts and crafts, and doing my art is a very large part of what I do for my mental health. Plus getting to interact with the public and have them say positive things about my art is always an ego booster!
From my prime seating at my table in the restaurant, I get to see the reason that Barb & Ernie's has managed to stay in business all these years, including during a world pandemic.
Chris Morris, who has worked at Barb & Ernie's for 43 years greets everyone at the door. So many of the people coming in are regulars, and they are greeted with the warmth of dear friends. People have told me that they have been coming to the restaurant for their entire lives, the restaurant will be celebrating its 50th anniversary next year. Some customers (including international friends of mine personally) have told me that a visit to our humble town is not complete without a visit for breakfast at the restaurant. When Char is not working in the kitchen with Thomas, she will be out in the dining room, greeting customers with many smiles and hugs shared between them. The restaurant is such a happy place
Barb & Ernie's Restaurant is a big supporter of local artists and small businesses. Whether it is having a local author of a children's book do a book signing in the restaurant on a Saturday morning, or having the gourmet chocolates of a local chocolatier available for purchase at the front counter, Barb & Ernie's does a wonderful job of being connected to their community.
Char and I bonded quickly years ago over our dogs. Char and Thomas' love of animals is evident even in their family business. In addition to their dog friendly patio, you can purchase homemade dog cookies in the restaurant. But perhaps the most touching to my heart is the partnership that the restaurant has with ZOE's Animal Rescue Society. Weekend Specials donate proceeds to the rescue society, and high-light a featured dog in need of a home. Meet and greets happen with ZOE's adoptable dogs in the Barb & Ernie's parking lot regularly. ZOE's participates in the Block Party that Barb & Ernie's hosts each summer.
Thanks to Char and Thomas's support, I have had the chance to be challenged creatively with some projects that I would not have had the chance to do otherwise. I have created signs for their door, and for their patio. Trying new projects can be quite intimidating, but with Char and Thomas's encouragement, I have been able to stretch my creative muscles, and have been proud of what I have been able to create for them.
Another feel-good moment for me was getting the opportunity to create a colouring sheet of my own design for kids to work on while they visit the restaurant. I can't tell you the thrill I felt seeing kids in the restaurant colouring my picture, my work! It may sound silly, but it truly made me feel like a TRUE ARTIST!
Char took it one step further when I discovered that she had t-shirts made with the same design on them. In both child and adult sizes, these shirts are sold in the restaurant along with fabric markers, so that you can colour your own t-shirt. How fun is that? Apparently, a group of fireman came in recently and bought a whole bunch, to take back to the firehouse. Oh, I hope to see a photo one day - just the thought of it makes me smile!
Restaurant Staff in their T-Shirts |
I took a course recently through Skillshare, on urban sketching - drawing buildings and landscapes. I decided to do a watercolour piece for Char and Thomas, as a thank you for all the wonderful support that they have given me. Barb & Ernie's is such a distinct building, that looks like it has been lifted from a village in Germany. It was so fun to transfer to paper, and it now hangs in a place of honour in one of my favourite restaurants. It delights me every time I see it.
Community is so important, having connection can heal many things in our wounded world. Char and Thomas and the way that they keep Barb & Ernie's going is a great example of that. You can see it in the faces of the families and the friends that come to share a meal and enjoy one another's company. You can see it in the way that the staff treats the customers, and one another. You can see it in how they have loved an supported me in my art. I hope that you someday have the chance to experience their little restaurant, and experience the magic of that place yourself. I am sure that you will love it the way that I do.