Sunday, April 06, 2008

Fairy in a Jar

Fairy in a Jar, originally uploaded by sapphire252.

A fairy in a jar. So much fun! I made her wings out of transparency film. I had been meaning to do one of these ever since I had seen them on the web. At the last Pointy Hat Art Posse meeting, lovely Miss Galm brought her fairy in a jar, and I realized that the time had come for me to do this project!

And by the way, this fairy bears a startling resemblance to a young Miss Arla Mortimer, my beautiful grandmother, who passed away in 1995.

Lid on the Fairy Jar.

Top of the Fairy Jar., originally uploaded by sapphire252.

Wooden Easter Eggs

Wooden Easter Eggs, originally uploaded by sapphire252.

Here are the eggs that I decorated this Easter.

Crackle Easter Egg

Crackle Easter Egg, originally uploaded by sapphire252.

Where Eighties Earrings go when they die.

On an Easter Egg, of course!

Ikea Heart

Ikea Heart, originally uploaded by sapphire252.

I bought this acrylic heart frame from Ikea. It is great because it is magnetic - so I was able to insert my own artwork.