Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Rain, originally uploaded by sapphire252.

For Illustration Friday.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Dance, originally uploaded by sapphire252.

For Illustration Friday. I thought it would be fun to leave part of this scene to the imagination. My son wanted to know why I made the boy's hands so creepy....but doesn't that make you wonder what the rest of him looks like?

Fairy's Child

Fairy's Child, originally uploaded by sapphire252.

I'd Love To Be A Fairy's Child

By Robert Graves

Children born of fairy stock
Never need for shirt or frock,
Never want for food or fire,
Always get their hearts desire:
Jingle pockets full of gold,
Marry when they're seven years old.
Every fairy child may keep
Two ponies and ten sheep;
All have houses, each his own,
Built of brick or granite stone;
They live on cherries, they run wild--
I'd love to be a Fairy's child.

I made this card to exchange with another artist...

Open Your Heart To Angels

open your heart, originally uploaded by sapphire252.

Another card I made for the Guardian Angel Artist group. This card is going to a family who has recently suffered the loss of their husband and father.


Mermaid, originally uploaded by sapphire252.

This lovely lady is on a page in my I have to figure out how to fill in the rest of the page!!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


JUNGLE, originally uploaded by sapphire252.

When I saw that the theme for this week was "jungle" the lyrics to this song just popped into my head. I did the inital drawing of the lion with a sharpie marker. The rest was done with my Tria Markers, and a pigma micron.

For those of you that always ask me how long it takes me to do a page, this one took me an hour from start to finish.

I hope you like it!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Do You Want To Know A Secret

Listen, originally uploaded by sapphire252.

A journal page that started with this photo from a greeting card....I then was inspired to find some song lyrics that went with the picture. What do you think?


Reflection, originally uploaded by sapphire252.

This is a page I made for my "Vintage Grunge" deco. The baby is my grandmother, the small photo, my great-grandmother. I used "Crystal Effects" on the small photo, as well as over my lettering of "Reflection" to make them look like they are under glass.